You may need to change your circle of friends

You may need to change your circle of friends

True friends motivate you and support you, while fake friends tend to point out your flaws, second guess your abilities and can’t wait to see you fail. Know who is in your circle and get rid of the dead weight/negativity that is around you. ~ Yesenia De Arcos 

True friends are those who want to see your progress in life.

Some people grow; others stagnate and some will no longer share your new vision. Giving credence to the adage “Birds of a feather flock together” which forces us to change our circle of friends. ~ Miriam Perez 

Your true friends will be happy for you. There is nothing wrong with thinning out your garden. Keep yourself surrounded by positive energy to help you move forward in your journey. ~ Denise Hecht 

That’s life! When you start to progress and people see you improve your life, then you will know who your true friends are because they will be the ones to support you and will be so happy for you. That’s what friends are for. ~ Christina Mislang 

Sometimes we are obliged to let go of some betrayal friends when we are on our way to reach dreams.

There are people who support you during your dark times, but they don’t want to see you rise from that. Which can be really confusing and hurtful, when you realize this person only likes you when you are miserable. There are some people who only want to be your friend when you´re good and successful, but the opposite can be true as well. ~ Lisa Hillborg 

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