You don’t need to be rich or famous, just be happy

You don't need to be rich or famous, just be happy

Happiness is a state of mind, we choose it, just like we choose sadness or any other emotion.

The best things in life are free and you should always make the best of what you have and be happy.

Always to be happy is the best. Stress is a cancer in life.

Happiness is not only being you, what you have, what you need, happiness can only be achieved when all those who you love are happy too.

People say that they want to be happy as if happiness was something unknown, mysterious and perfect. In fact, the idea of perfection to happiness and as long as they’ll keep seeking perfection they’ll never be able to simply know that they are already happy. ~ Jiléne Anéne 

Having enough to pay all the bills and buy food and meds would be nice. ~ Linda Farrow 

Working on keeping away from drama even if that means eliminations from my life. Bottom line is the reward. ~ Denise Hecht 

Happiness really is the absolute best medicine of our lives, I am proof of that as I beat Cancer with a smile on my face through Chemotherapy and all I smiled and the Dr.’s said that it was good infact it helps your body be cured at a more quick rate. ~ Jerry Betancourt

I am pretty satisfied with my simple life, roof over my head, food on the table, clothes on my back and everything extra I owe it to God. He had not fail to provide as long as I am serving Him faithfully and not diverting to the path of the wicked one. Though once in a while I have my credit card collectors to remind me that I am late. I pay slowly but surely. Don’t have to fight the traffic in the morning to get to work and don’t have to deal with difficult people at work since I work at home when I want to. I guess I am happy. House note, insurance, light bills getting paid, and older than 10 years vehicles that drives like a dream, they may not look good but take me to point A to point B. Don’t have anyone to boss me around. Life is good. ~ Norma Powell

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