You do not have to make your children into wonderful people

You do not have to make your children into wonderful people

Praise them and let them know each day what a blessing they are!
You teach them to have better actions. You can install great values in them and hope for the best. But in the end you’re kids will end up being whoever they are and that’s just the way it is. If they’re not good people, it’s probably a reflection on the parents’ actions that they picked up over the years. That’s why you teach them to be good and when they show that they understand what they’ve learned, that’s when you compliment them. ~ Amy Armenta 
What you say to your children becomes their inner voice, so be very careful what you say to your children or child. ~ Elena Alberghetti 
Just don’t beat yourself up if your kids are not as wonderful as you dreamed. There is outside influences. Too much praise might turn their little entitlement buttons to all that’s’ made of gold. ~ Carol Naylor 
The world is quick to tell our children what is wrong with them . It is our privilege as parents /grandparents to tell them what is right with them . What a joy to help them have a healthy self concept. ~ Susan Law 
Using comparative adjectives to describe your children is not actually a good thing to do. It teaches them to compare themselves to others, either they will feel bad because they think they are worse than others, or they will feel as though they are somehow better than others. Don’t encourage their sense of “self” or ego, but rather, encourage them to remain “selfless”, as we all are when we are born. It’s the “self” that causes our suffering. Using comparatives conditions our children to develop a strong “self”, which sets them up for a lot of suffering later on in life. ~ Ant Hall 
I believe in praising you’re children for good works and punishing them for bad things they do. This makes them respect and love you more. Start while they are young and you want see the behavior we see today out of our youth and I don’t mean beating your children. ~ Judy Coker 

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