You cannot make people be nice to you

You cannot make people be nice to you

We work on being kind, compassionate and wise and the rest will fall in to place. Some will appreciate who we are and who we are becoming and some will not. Sometimes it will be just differences that are to great and sometimes it will be we embrace virtues which offends their discarding of them. ~Troy

Turn this around and ask yourself, if someone is not liking you, not loving you, understanding, validating, accepting, or being nice to you. Why are you letting it matter to you? Don’t chase love, attention or affection. No one should have to fight for any of those things. ~ Candice Brown

You can control them to a certain point and also if you have power over them through finances or position with despise. You can also control your own attitude so you won’t get affected as much. ~ Norma Powell

People are so jealous. They don’t want to hear happiness. They want to hear the sadness. ~ Juliet Warrender

I say surround your self with people who love you not the people who want to bring you down, those are negative people who don’t like happy people or anything that’s fun. ~ Candice Brown

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