You can never fall in love with someone whom you never laugh with

You can never fall in love with someone whom you never laugh with

You have to be friends first, before you can be anything else. ~ Ellie Koester 

I laugh with and at myself almost every day. ~ Cameron Cushing 

I love to have laughter. It makes life also bearable when time get tough. ~ Peggy Maxwell 

If you don’t make me laugh, we won’t be good friends. ~ Tonya Hatchel 

Even when the romance ends and the laughter remains, you really have something to cherish. ~ Avigayil Landsman 

Happiness is an ocean wide, a sunset shining on a mountainside. When you go counting a man’s success, don’t count money count happiness. ~ Clive Wood 

Never fall in love with someone you don’t enjoy talking to, because later in life, you are going to need to be able to talk to that person. My great grandma use to say that there had to be something to laugh at everyday to stay healthy. ~ Joyce Kitch 

That’s what caught my attention when I first met my husband. I was in a “I hate men” mood because of the guy I was dating at the time the night I met Tom. At the end of the evening, Tom had me laughing so hard. 3 weeks later the first boyfriend and I broke up, Tom found out and called me on Valentines Day to ask me out for the first time. The rest is history as they say, 21 fabulous years with a wonderful guy who still makes me laugh. ~ Valarie Hanson 

You can’t fall in love with them and you can’t teach them. I’ve known someone for 14 years that can only smirk and laugh at other people’s miseries and I have never been able to teach him to laugh. That is why I haven’t dated him and could never fall in love with him. ~ Barb Pazdziora 

There’s too many angry, sad, unhappy, bitter people. Where’s their joy and their gratitude.? ~ Florence Smith

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