You can change the people that you choose to be around

You can change the people that you choose to be around

When you choose to surround yourself with good people, good things happen to you.

You can also choose to change the way you react to the people around you. ~ Lisbeth Whitledge 

We can’t change others but we can show them how to change by changing ourselves. ~ Nuwan Sanjeewa 

I learned about people that I cannot hang around every day. ~ Lorie Smith 

I found that when I changed myself, the people around me changed. ~ Perry Pittman 

Change people around doesn’t mean to literally stop talking to them. Just only avoid when your attitude don’t match the situation. It’s perfectly fine rather than creating the native thought about a person. ~ Radha Yermal 

I always choose my friends. No drama queens and if there is drama I just ignore. ~ Nayris Murga 

I choose to not to be around negative people. ~ Carrie Patterson 

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