Whoever is meant to be there, will still be there in your life

Whoever is meant to be there, will still be there in your life

You do not need to look for love. God is love and He is always here with us. ~ Lourdes Cacanindin 

Love thyself and the rest will come as the growth comes in life. 

Life really has it crossroads, but whoever is willing to walk through life with you despite its up’s and down’s might be the one God has prepared for you. ~ Tems Lerio 

God knows best and many times we often look at closed doors before us not noticing the new open door for us. What will be will be, we don’t need to force people to stay in our lives. The special one will stay forever. ~ Theo Ficco 

When some people leave it hurts. It’s better they left earlier. If they had stayed, they would have hurt you even more. ~ Barassa Annie 

Life’s hardest lesson is to trust God and know that He loves you. Trust and time will put you where you’re supposed to be. ~ Skip Wolfford

You share a space with people, sometimes forever, sometimes just for a while, but that’s the way it is meant to be. God decides who needs us and who we need and he brings us together for the time necessary. It has to be his decision, not ours. ~ Linda Walterick 

I got to learn to trust his judgement more than my own flawed decisions. ~ Elizabeth Pearson 

Not trying to be mean or anything, but the furthest thing right now on my mind is a man. I was married most of my life and now I am free to be me and I have hardly yet begun to enjoy life and the best is yet to come. God will do this in His time, not mine or yours and the rest is history. ~ Valerie Brown

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