Who is our best critic, yet our strongest supporter?

Who is our best critic, yet our strongest supporter

You only get one. Cherish her, praise her, respect her & love her like the queen that she is.

Hug her often. Tell her that you love her daily. Give her respect and gratitude. Laugh with her and listen to her wisdom. She is your gift. ~ Sheri Ferreira 

If a mother can’t give love as you expected, try to show your respect and love to her. I’m sure one day she will realize that she’s wrong the way that she did to you and she will learn how to love and give it back to you. That’s what I did to my mother when she was still here on earth. ~ Joy Siboa 

It’s been 5 years since my mom passed away & I miss her every day. I know I will see her again in Heaven but until then, it hasn’t been easy. My Mom’s last wish before she passed was that she wanted me to finish school and to have a happy life. I finished school, and I’m working on the “happy” part. My Mom was not always supportive and at times she was critical, but in our culture, it’s meant to make the kids persevere through adversity and be stronger. I didn’t understand it till I got older. I miss you Mommy & I think of you every day. ~ Maria Lee 

Through thick and thin, no matter what, through good and bad times, we have only one mother and she is our strongest supporter. As the saying goes, Family, we may not have it all together, but together we have it all. No one in this world is perfect, including parents. Some are there for us all the time, some not so much, but the bottom line being, if you have a mother who loves you then cherish her, love her and respect her. Until we have walked in our parents shoes, we have no right to judge them. Everyone is or has fought some sort of battles and deserves another chance and another. ~ Sharon Bush 

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