Who are called to be the strongest people?

Who are called to be the strongest people

Never judge a book by its cover as we are all struggling with are own battles. One would never know just by looking at them that they are fighting these. It doesn’t mean they are hiding it, its a private matter. ~ Brigitte Nicole

You don’t have to prove your strength to know your strong. It’s about the one who handles his/her issues on their own. The ones that face things head on. No need to brag about it because it’s your own business. You don’t have to hide your emotions, but why share them with everybody? Most don’t care, and others will want to use it against you. Strength comes from overcoming obstacles along the journey. But it’s your journey, everybody else has there own journey, their own issues, their own obstacles. Most we know nothing about. ~ Kodi Sanderson
It’s learning to pour out your emotions to God instead of people and trust Him to give you strength and do what you can’t do. ~ Laura Huff 

Life is not always about show and tell. It’s about living your own life with the challenges that have been given you. We need to learn to deal with things in life as they come. 

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