When you let go of past Hurts

When you begin to Heal

Before you are able to forgive others you must learn to forgive yourself.

Letting go doesn’t have to be all at once. It’s one step at a time. Give yourself a chance to heal from one step before you go on to another. Be patient with yourself, no one is perfect. We just have to try. ~ Maura Doucette 

I know this feeling well, the burden of a grudge or resentment is very much a weight on your shoulders and when released and forgiveness takes hold it is truly an amazing feeling. Forgiveness is not for the person who wronged you but for yourself. ~ Christy Leigh 

Finally I decided that “they” were no longer going to have power over me and just let it go. I have felt so much better ever since. ~ Heather Pleasants 

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