When you leave certain people do you feel better or do you feel worse

When you leave certain people do you feel better or do you feel worse

If you are giving a lot, it is because you have lacked love in your life by giving. You think that they may like you which will never happen. People will love you for who you are, not because you give. They will just take advantage of it. ~ Alby Menicatti 

I have let them go, cut them out, don’t need these people they needed me to use and wipe their dirty feet on, when I was trying to help them they using me. No more, have taken off the rose colored glasses and seeing them for what their sweet smiles and words really are. ~ Jan Edmondson 

I’ve been stabbed in the back so often by so called friends & that the worst feeling ever. You have to weed out the ones that are toxic in your life & keep hope & faith alive with the friends you have who are truly genuine & never giving up. Life is a challenge. We have to be more cautious of our choice of friends or friendship. I’ve been burn so many times. Keep the genuine friends for life. Keep praying and always hope for the best & never give up, but just persevere. ~ Julie Armstrong 

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