When you know it’s true love?

When you know it's true love

Neither does the person leave. They are always on our mind, in our thoughts and deeply in our heart. ~ Stella Tziastoudi

It takes years to recover and you are not the same person afterwards.

Feelings may never leave, but you still need to move on to better things.

Lots of people who love you leave. Why? Cowardice. Maybe they are married to someone else and they don’t want the drama & expense of divorce. Maybe their family does not approve. Maybe they have religious differences. These are what’s called taking the easy way out. ~ Carrie McClure 

One sided live can destroy a person. Be strong and don’t let it bring you to dark places. Happiness within yourself can conquer. ~ Lisa Horst 

It’s been 11 years and my heart still races when I see him. Just was not meant to be. ~ Paula Sheehan 

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