When you have someone in your Heart

When you have someone in your Heart

How blessed to love someone so much & miss them. ~ Brigitte Nicole

After the hurt subsides, it’s still a beautiful thing to have love in your heart for someone. ~ Tina Console 

It hurts even more if you have him in your arms but can’t have his heart and mind with you. ~ Rosena Tuyorada 

If you can’t have his heart and mind with you and only your arms, he isn’t meant for you. That is if his heart and mind belongs to another. There is someone out there who is waiting to give you his heart and receive yours. Don’t waste your time in something less than what you deserve. God may be waiting for you to let go of this person so you can be ready to welcome your true love with open arms.~ Diane Nolasco 

I’ll just hug him in my dreams and keep him in my heart. ~ Beng Dizon 

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