When you come out of storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in

When you come out of storm, you won't be the same person who walked in

I love storms. It’s taught me so much about myself and I love having weathered ‘it’. Someone special said that I’m a diamond. Something beautiful that went through extremes. ~ Angela Mitcham

Life’s storms. Just like the real ones, they do pass and the most beautiful days always come after the worst storms. I just hunker down and ride them out. ~ Shirley Plastow

Life teaches you through good and bad experiences but you learn more & become tough & practical only from worst stage in life. But consider it the best to get the best out of you. ~ Shimul Jhaveri

The storm is like the obstacles that you have to go through in your life.

There will be many more storms to follow. You become stronger with each one. ~ Susan Druce

Storms are a part of life and never loses sight of us. May God hold you close and may your pain become your strength. ~ Abdhia Moosa

The storms I have walked through have transformed me in an incredible way. ~ Tracy Barnes

Extremely thankful to God for giving me strength to bear these. If you don’t hurt anyone else, whatever problem come you can overcome with God’s Grace. ~ Oindrila Bhattacharjee

You should always remember who was by your side during the storm. People usually forget. I think that is the saddest of all. ~ Georgia Rea

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