When you are totally at peace within yourself

When you are totally at peace within yourself

It was a bit hard at first but I’m beginning to love being on my own, no more lies, no more cheating, no more being put down, I have find who I really am, what things I love to do & it is very liberating. ~ Charlotte Macgregor

When you are going through a change you always walk alone. ~ Peri Allen

I walk alone, I walk in peace, with my universe & with my God. ~ Teresa Reilly

Be true to yourself and everything will fall into place. ~ Henry Lee

Some people seem to not understand though when you make those decisions to walk alone. They are too scared to do it and will never find out who they really are. ~ Claudia Hancott

You are never alone. He is within you. Trust Him, the source of peace and love. Stay as far away as possible from those who are hurtful / negative. Life is too short, and He has things for you to do, places for you to go. ~ Eleanor Miller

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