When you allow yourself to feel Hurt

When you allow yourself to feel

Dear Brain – if you stop thinking of every small things, i wont get hurt. Your Heart.

Small thing are very relate to us and causes a big change in life. Every home is made with small things.

The brain can’t feel and the heart can’t figure out logic.

Dear Brain – if you do not allow yourself to feel your emotions, it can make you sick.

Heart judges everything in a selfless way. Heart is very sensitive. But it is the brain which creates doubt in our mind. Sometimes it helps us to take correct decision, sometimes it makes us selfish. ~ Debapriyo Saha 

You will save yourself a lot of Heartache if you take nothing personal.

Dear Heart, it is good to feel the wonderful emotions, but don’t overdo it when you are hurt or else you will get sick too. You will get tired easily to perform your duties. In the end you will be the one to suffer most. I may suffer stress from your depression but it will just make you weaker. Your Brain! ~ Ghie Morales 

Don’t let your heart rule your brain, and don’t let your brain rule your heart. Need to be balance!

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