When someone treats you like an option

When someone treats you like an option

I want to be someone’s First choice Not an Option. ~ Bonnie Hernandez 

Life is too short to be an option. Close that door and find true happiness.

You prefer to sit on the sidelines waiting for them to realize you’re not the one for them because the reality is, if they had real feelings for you they wouldn’t think of you as just another option. They would be thinking of no one but you. This is more for folks who are dating, not married people. Hopefully no one marries someone who treats them like just another option. ~ Joy Gipson 

Whatever time you have, issues in life or in a relationship you just walk out. No wonder the divorce rate is so high. Know if there beating you or screwing someone else “commonly known as cheating then yes. For once a cheater always a cheater. If people would learn to keep their temper/anger in check then people/relationship will and can prosper. If you want to go on a rampage and say real mean, hateful, degrading and nasty things to some then you more then likely will be distanced by the other person and feel like a option. It doesn’t matter rather it’s in a relationship, family or friends. Especially when it happens way to often. No one deserves to be yelled and screamed and while doing so having spit come from their mouth and hitting that person in the face while you’re yelling in a rage. ~ Rick Haley 

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  1. Maryam Sururu

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