Weak people puts you always down and try to show you that your wrong

Weak people puts you always down

I’ve been put down so many times but I always keep my head up high. ~ Angel Prieto 

Even in my darkest days, I would give people encouragement. Even when I had none for myself. ~ Joanne Desjardins 

Words hurt and stay with you. People need to watch what they say. Their words can hurt even the strongest people.

Even a challenger should be respected. You want their best, not their worst. Only the truly powerful know how to let an opponent rise to their best, so that they may go up against them with full potential and equal fairness. ~ Brian Pinto 

Strong people I’ve known are those who have known trials, have known struggles, have known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. They are experienced and know the price of life. ~ Zuhra Gumarova 

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