We only regret the chances we didn’t take

We only regret the chances we didn't take

Without taking chances there is not a chance of feeling alive.

You only live life once, do asynchronous as you can while you can! Live life to the fullest every day, do everything you can, learn something new, use what you have learned from chances in the past for better chances in the future. ~ Randy Baughman 

If we took some of those chances we might regret take we took them. Never know how things would have turned out. So be happy with the decisions you have made.

Regret is only valid if you failed to have the courage to take a chance. You are who you are and you are the chances you took. Never regret where you are because if you didn’t take a chance you would not be where you have gotten to. Life happens all we do us guide it forward. ~ Rhys Rogers 

In this world, we have to take chances, sometimes they’re worth it and sometimes they’re not, but I’m telling you now, you will never know until you try or or else you’ll find that life have just passed you by, if you don’t take a chance. ~ Hamdy Hamed

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