We make mistakes, we get up & live

We make mistakes, we get up & live

My mistakes made me who I am today. I just wish I hadn’t hurt so many in the process. ~ Connie Garcia 
Enjoy the journey even if it is full of trials. God never leaves us alone! ~ Joyianne Mjc 
We grow by learning from our mistakes. From taking advantage of what we learned from our mistakes and falls. I have learned so much from my own mistakes and from those times when people made me fall, or I made myself fall. I learned that no matter what I am strong enough to get up again. Sure it hurts, sure it takes time to get up, sure it sometimes feels like you can’t any more, but still you are strong enough to get up and get away from the mud you get yourself into or that others get yourself into. ~ Katka Novoroľníková 
Trials, failures, heartaches and mistakes are the things that makes us more strong and more determined to pursue our dreams, plans and responsibility to be a better person. ~ Mahal Coronado 

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