Walking away is the best way to stand up for yourself

Walking away is the best way to stand up for yourself

Criticism and unsolicited opinion these are painful complements we received from the people around us. Be positive! Just accept and change for the better in first place. We can’t control them that’s what they see and get from us. ~ Linlin Calapano 
I walked away and they didn’t follow, haven’t even called. I am finding that my life is so much more peaceful without their neediness and lies. I miss who I thought they were but not who they turned out to be. ~ Charlotte Guyas 
If someone is going to give toxic criticism in, a nasty way they are frustrated within themselves. People like that aren’t needed in your life. Just walk away! ~ Rene Wanger *
From my own experience, you become exactly like the person who is bullying you if you choose to fight back. People think it is weakness if you don’t fight back, but I think differently unless you really need to defend yourself. I’ve been in confrontations with people that escalated into heated arguments that became toxic. Because they were being so negative, I sunk down to their level & became as equally negative riding off the same low energy. I am learning to let it go & walk away. I think learning to ignore it is a sign of strength. ~ Nikka Rose 


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