Walk away from anything that no longer makes you happy

Walk away from anything that no longer makes you happy

If someone in your life continually and relentlessly causes you and those around you grief, pain and sadness you may want to evaluate your level of self respect. Walking away sometimes is the only way to hold someone with self entitlement issues that cause pain in others accountable. Been there, done it, for my own well being I had no choice. Can’t help someone while they drain the life out of you. I’ve even had to shut off the folks that kept enabling the self entitled parasite. ~ Nat Walker

Walk away from anything that does not make you happy. Not something that makes you unhappy “sometimes”, only if it brings you more pain than joy. Walk away from something that does not grow you, meaning something that does not allow you to prosper, enhance you, to be more of what you can be. To walk away from something that does not serve your purpose in life, gets you no where.

Too many times we stay in bad situations or maintain bad habits for the wrong reasons, even if we are unhealthy or miserable. What good are we to those we love if we don’t love and respect our own self? What peace can we offer if we have no peace, what love can we give if we have no love, if we are mired down in some negative thing or relationship or place or whatever. ~ Fiona Rose

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