Our inner voice does not lie to us.
Our intuition is sharpened the more we slow down enough to listen.
That is the purpose of our conscience. Don’t surround yourself with those of bad intentions. ~ Carrie Turner
Anyone or anything that is negative, you should walk away from. Make room for all the positives. ~ Wendy John
Trust yourself and walk away from situations and people that don’t have your best interest at heart. ~ Ben Ruston
You have control when you walk away they don’t. The moment you react you give them control. Walk, Walk, Walk.
I recommend getting to know those vibes better. That way, you can turn into more subtleties and make better choices. You can start by noting whenever you get them, what the situation is, what you’re thinking and feeling, and then the outcome. ~ Jack Grabon
I’ve often tried to explain it and now realize something can never be explained, nor should you waste your time trying. Just walk away. ~ Ellie Borak
Anyone or anything that is negative, you should walk away from. Make room for all the positives. ~ Wendy John