Those who love you only when the condition is right for them

Those who love you only when the condition is right for them

Some people do really show they care about you because they want something in return from you.

Time is precious. It’s upto you whether you bestow it on everyone generously or whether you spend it for yourself, but each minute that is spent gives you a new memory to preserve and a new lesson to learn. ~ Nilima Das 

Some people that can only give of themselves (because of illness) only when conditions are right. They able to spend time with loved ones or friends only when they are feeling good or stable. ~ Brigitte Nicole

Spend time with all. Often those who love you only when the conditions are right for them also need to be excepted for who and where they are in their life at this time. Shine your light of love on them. Perhaps it’s the only light in their dark world. ~ Linda Hardman 

When we have been hurt it is only a lesson to learn so that we never hurt another in that way. It is a lesson in giving more of oneself and learning not to fear. Fear if anything fuels despair. Despair kills hope. Without hope there is no love. One is then in a revolving circle going nowhere because they have been hurt. When one falls off if a bike and skins their knee do they pug the bike away and say that they will never try to ride again because they hot hurt? No! They try, try again until they succeed . So goes love. That is how God loves us. He never gives up on us and we, in return should never give up on others because we have been hurt. Open your heart. Let out the hurt and let the love flow in. ~ Linda Hardman 

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