Things will change for the better

Things will always change for the better

We must not forget to put our efforts as well. Change what you can control. Make positive changes to better yourself and enhance your life. The things you can’t control, do your very best to let go. Remember when you have a positive attitude, things do change for the better. Be patient! ~ Brigitte Nicole

Sometimes all that you can do is wait for it to feel better, wait for a bad day to be over, wait for things to work themselves out. Sometimes you have done all that you can possibly do, and then you just have to wait.

Patience teaches us tremendous lessons and rewards us with tremendous gifts. Patience makes us grow in ways that nothing else could. Patience is hard to embrace, and practicing patience is hard to do. Most things that have lasting value come through doing difficult things.

If you are in a time, beautiful friend, where you have done all that you can do and now you must just wait. Don’t give up. Don’t give in to the hopelessness, sorrow or bitterness that could and does consume some. Keep your heart open, keep believing what you believe. Keep your thoughts toward where you are headed, and how you want to feel, toward what is ahead. Do you best to learn in the moment. Do your very best. Things will turn around, just like they always do. Life will work out, just like it always does. You will be through this before you know it.

Don’t let it run out. Just when you think you can’t take it anymore, close your eyes, take a deep breath, let it out slowly and say “Thank You God”! Remember, the darkest part of any night, any tunnel, any room is right before the light makes itself known. ~ Colleen Wilkins 

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