There’s something you’re afraid to say someone

There's something you're afraid to say someone

Sometimes it’s okay to risk it and always trust yourself. Only you know what’s best for you.

A risky love affair is not worth it, if it will be hurting you with a broken heart in the end. ~ Nick Raza

Sometimes I’m afraid to voice my true feelings for fear of the hurt I may feel. ~ Cristi Russell

Prayer is the cure for a lost soul, confused mind and a broken heart.

For years I put up a facade because of my fear of getting hurt and I realized that I can’t be me until I let go of all my fears. ~ Retchel Bermejo

I’m afraid to love someone with all my heart, because it hurts so much when I lose them. I lost two loves of my life in the past 8 yrs. They were 4yrs. Apart, they both are now my angels watching over me. ~ Valerie Koss

I was married 42 years, gave my life to a man who did not appreciate me. He wanted someone else, however, if God sends me someone who I can take care of and he will take care of me, I will give it a chance. Don’t live in the past, live for your remaining time on earth until you get to your final home in Heaven. ~ Pat JusticeĀ 

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