There’s no time to leave important words unsaid

There's no time to leave important words unsaid

Everyday & every minute count. Never leave important words unsaid.

It’s now or never. Say it, scream it, whisper it or write it out. It’s what matters the most. ~ Hannah Mae

Silence is there forever. We must not let it occupy our lives. ~ Shayhak Tahir 

The saddest thing in life are words left unspoken and no second chance to be able to express your feelings. ~ Dottie Smith 

Make sure that you tell those important in your life that you love them everyday. You don’t know when it will be the last time that the words are spoken and how much they mean to the person on the receiving end. ~ Diane Brown 

Especially, “I love you!” So many times this is said too late. ~ Donna Michelson 

Too late for some with closed ears and hearts.

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