There are two kinds of people in the world

There are two kinds of people in the world

The taker’s always take but the givers always give no matter what.

Most of the takers never learn to give. Givers are happier people.

People who give without expectations are the best.

Sleeping well, is a metaphor meaning your heart is at peace and as far as the taker part, they eat better, that’s also a metaphor meaning they keep everything to themselves and selfish. ~ Brigitte Nicole

The givers are always grateful and they never envy the takers. The takers are always envious and always want more.

If you give, you also receive. It is the energy that you create. If you take and do not give, you create an energy of envy, selfishness and fulfilment.

The problem with takers is all they want to do is take take take giving never into their vocabulary or their emotional package. ~ Kim Tomberlin 

If everyone would give a little more rather than just taking, the world would be a better place. The funny thing is, takers are completely dependent on givers to get what they want. ~ Margot Rushton 

The really truth is always treat people how you want to be treated and you will always be blessed.

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