The people who act the happiest

The people who act the happiest

Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.

Put up a broad smile when the storm is going on inside us. ~ Sanchayita Mukherjee

Keeping that smile on my face hides the sadness in my heart. ~ Debbie Williams

Laughter is my coping mechanism, as is being happy when around people. It is the chance to put the bad things out of your mind for a while. ~ Patricia Gabriel

I don’t know what I’d do without my optimism because if we didn’t keep looking up, we’d just fall down harder and maybe not get up. ~ Alyssa Jeffries

Why waste time and energy for something you have no control of? Believe and have faith. Keep on going! ~ Margie Altre

Those who envy a “happy” person, should learn this fact. ~ Zenobia Davis

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