The most painful Goodbyes

The most painful Goodbyes

The most painful goodbye for me is the one where things are left unresolved. Knowing there is forever no chance to repair or resolve past hurts and conflict. You never get over it, you just get used to it. ~ Susan Whitehall 

If a person is cowardly enough to walk away without and explanation, then they aren’t worth a second thought or your energy. Move on.

Let go and only then can we find peace and healing. Didn’t say it was easy, but it takes a great burden off your shoulders when you can let go of them. It takes everyone involved to bring about a reconciliation and if they’re not willing, let them go and move forward. It is very hurtful, but when you have done all you know to do, what do you have to gain by holding on? You can’t move forward when you’re dragging the past behind you. ~ Alma Studer 

Never waste your time thinking for that person who doesn’t give reply to your question or just left you without reason and explanation instead you go on your way and let him/her go. Move on. Give chances for the ones that deserve your love. Cheer up! Life has to go on. ~ Gina Parales 

It hurts knowing that after all that you’ve been through, you’ll just be left like an old abandoned house, but life goes on. Wrong people would always cross everyone’s life to give us lessons. ~ Rachel Lopez

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