The most Beautiful person on this earth

The most Beautiful person on this earth

I don’t know what I would do without my mom. She is my best friend and the one person I can tell anything to. She is smart and always seems to point me in the right direction. ~ Bobbi Kreitzer 

By far the one definition that best describes my mother. A woman who runs a temperature of 103 every time her child’s temperature hits 101. Home is most definitely the golden setting in which the brightest jewel ensconced within is ‘Mother’. A tireless woman who never realizes, to date, that her children are no longer children but loves them nevertheless. I am truly blessed with just such a mother. At my age, and a grandma to boot, I still am very much a child in her loving aged eyes. God bless all mothers. ~ Margaret Young 

Love the only person who loves you unrelentlessly who has your back and all the rest and whose life changed quantumly since that day when you were born and she received you as a miracle gift from God. Each child is a true gift of God and when the paper wrapping from this special gift unfolds the mom sees the true worth of this gift and it keeps astonishing her for as it unfolds so much will be unfolded. ~ Denise Sharpe 

We only have one mother, love her and cherish her while she’s still with us here and always. Thanks God for our Mom. ~ Eden Valdez 

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  1. claudia

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