The Best type of people

The best type of people

The best way is to start with yourself, the rest will follow quite naturally. ~ Graeme Kuit 

It’s when you have nothing to offer someone, but your friendship. That’s the true test of who you can count on to be there for you. ~ Mimi Murphy

When you peek into your core and see yourself as a magnet for those kind of people, they will arrive in your life. Believe it, look for it. ~ Theresa Jackson 

Not only the best kind but the only people that we want to be associated with. I never want to associate myself with users. ~ Oscar Perdomo 

We attract to ourselves what we are inside, so if you are not attracting the right kind of people then you need to look deep inside yourself for the reason and fix the problem. When you are truly at peace with yourself and full of love and light, then good people will be naturally drawn to you. ~ Annie Berber 

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