The Best part of Life’s journey

The Best part of Life's journey

Life is all about sharing and experiencing the joys of living with a special someone. Loneliness doesn’t enter into the equation when there is an ‘us’. Travelling together on the road of Life in peaceful harmony, enjoying shared experiences along the way. A body to be close to in comfort and support, a heart to belong to and beating as one, a soul which is a mate to yours. A mind that knows instinctively each other’s thoughts and feelings before they are voiced and felt. Just us cocooned in our own, private little world where no one can intrude on our cosy togetherness. ~ Margaret Young 

On our journey in life, there will be speed bumps, detours, potholes, unexpected delays but when shared with someone so special to your heart, the speed bumps, detours, potholes, unexpected delays are all worth it. ~ Edith Dyk 

People these days share their life journeys with their desks, their computers and laptops, and people who come and go. ~ Villamor Vital 

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