The Best Gift you can give yourself

The Best Gift you can give yourself

Romancing with your soul in the stillness of your time is the best and pro-founding gift of solitude that wherein you find calmness of inner thoughts. ~ Erlinda Somera 

Sometimes, we speak the strongest in silence. What ought to naturally stay afloat dances to the beautiful tune of clarity in the absence of hapless words. For there is strength in stillness. The allure of profundity in the arms of solitude. If you are lucky, sometimes, it comes with ice cold beer or a mug of your fave coffee now, that’s my kind of profound. ~ Mitchell Adams

I love the sound of silence. It is lovely to cultivate the art of being silent and have some time to yourself. If you succeed you will get inner peace. I love to stay calm too and be mindful in this hectic world. I try to listen to my inner self and I always get there. Inner peace to whoever tries. ~ Baishali Sengupta 

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