Taking your own needs seriously is not selfish

When the flight attendant told you to put your own mask on first, before you help others, you thought, ‘this is just a flight attendant’. The flight attendant was actually a sage talking some deep stuff.

You take care of yourself AT THE SAME TIME as caring for others. You can help each other and learn together. None of us is perfect so we can grow together and sometimes the best way to develop good attitudes and understandings is to help others. If you focus just on you there is a temptation to become isolated, selfish, and out of touch. We are often encouraged to put others down unless they reach a high standard that we don’t have to offer them. We won’t reach that standard on our own because caring, tenderness, tolerance, understanding,
kindness and compassion, and loving involves other people to perfect. Sure take time to listen, reflect, evaluate, decide etc but keep serving others as well at the same time. ~ Tricia Mark 


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