Stop stressing & complaining in life

To change yourself is possible but to change the attitudes of people around you is impossible!

We are responsible for our own actions instead of expecting others to change for us no victims in this situation just volunteers. ~ Pamela Withington 

Some poor people do work as much as they can just for the basics. They can’t work more & it’s natural for them to feel stress and nothing wrong, in my opinion, with them sharing their frustrations. It certainly doesn’t mean they aren’t grateful. This seems such a middle class saying – I’m disappointed. ~ Terri Horner 

Most changes are made because people complain, it is called speaking up for what we believe in. All complaining is not equal and suggesting it is avoided could be harmful to those that should speak up. ~ Heather Dunlap 

Be competitive with yourself not with other people. Be contented of what you have and enjoy the things that make you happy as long as you are not stepping on other people. ~ Amy Franco 


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