Sorry is like a band-aid

Sorry is like a band-aid

It’s killed several relationships for me. With no sorry, there is no way you can trust that person again. It infers & they will do it again. ~ Lola Stefani 

We don’t need band-aid alone, we need medicines so the wound will heal. Medicines are the actions we do to show that we’re really sorry. ~ Andrea Tarel 

Words are useless. Actions speak louder than words. My boyfriend used sorry like he used toilet paper. Meant nothing! Saying sorry does not fix what he did, does not make hurt feeling better. Does not sooth the soul. It would have been better if he didn’t apologize at least then he wouldn’t have been a liar to boot. Good riddance! My life is a happy fun song now! ~ Gini Speachs 

Repeated apologies also don’t work, but living amends do. That means change the action so there’s no need to apologize again for the same behavior. ~ Denise Hecht 

Healing comes when you are able to forgive the one who hurt you. It is not for that person but for yourself that you forgive. It takes strength to do so.

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