Sometimes a good Heart doesn’t see the bad

Sometimes a good Heart doesn't see the bad

Those who have a good hearts must be the ones to compromise more.

The pure heart seldom knows, seldom judges, seldom understands more than love.

We must forgive ourselves for not seeing the betrayers. We loved completely. We had no room to distrust.

My heart has really been blind in the past however it has made me now see what it wants for the future. ~ Rita La Battaglia 

Good hearts are the ones most easily taken advantage of and broken and sadly, often by the people that they care the most about. ~ Duane Hilghman

When I was 21 my father said to me that I had but one fault, “You think everyone is as wonderful as you are! They are not!” Oh he was so right, but still I see good in everyone until I am proven wrong, but I am certainly not as trustworthy of others as I was. I have learnt on my journey in life. ~ Annie Berber 

When people are taking you for granted and leading you into negative situations, before it’s too late keep a good heart and a sharp mind. They are our best tools. ~ Adam Caza

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