If you find someone who watches out for you

If you find someone

Unfortunately some people only realize this after the person is gone. 

Good friends are hard to find, keep them when you get them. 

Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.

Sometimes when you think you have they turn tables and act like you don’t exist. Hold onto the ones that have been there and want to be. Move on if not. ~ Donna Rhodda 

Found myself in a difficult situation recently, and it has amazed me how the people I thought would be there, aren’t. True loyal friends and loved ones are hard to find. They need to be treasured. ~ Stephanie McWhorter 

Even you happened to be in a situation where you cannot keep that someone precious, learn from them how to love and care without expecting anything in return. When you give off yourself for love ones give from the heart, even if they cannot return. The upright names will be written in the book of remembrance. This I have to be reminded everyday, be generous and kind. ~ Norma Powell 

When a person is down on life, they are your friend, when things look up, they have no use for you because what goes up, must come down. I will be the person that was there for you when no one else was, still be there after the way you treated them. ~ Wendy Sanders 

At some point those people change to be like strangers so they don’t deserve to keep them in our life any more. ~  Nanci Hanna 

Don’t expect anything from life, expectations hurt. When you don’t expect, every moment is a surprise & surprise brings happiness with it.

I want to thank all the people that have been standing by me and supporting me. This means so much more than words could ever say. ~ Kelly Fleming 

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  1. joeleen

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