Say what you are feeling before it’s too late

Say what you are feeling before it's too late

Saying requires lot of guts in every aspect of life.

Be not afraid of rejection, be afraid of wasted chance.

Sometimes silence is the best answer.

Time and lives move on, what could have or should have been said and wasn’t, it’s too late and nothing good can come from it. If lucky enough for a “next time” these words will be remembered. ~ Tod Brown 

Clear the air, make amends and set things straight. Make sure people you love know how you feel about having them in your life before someone’s number is up, but watch how you say things or the words you use. They might have you committed for finally expressing your feelings! Doubled-edged sword! ~ Cindy Piper 

Fear will always hold us back but Faith will bring Growth.

Say what you must without any preconceived expectations. Simply state how you feel and graciously accept whatever response or non response you receive. In that way, there will be no disappointment, hurt, anger, etc. Only the satisfaction of having shared your feelings. ~ Janet Pfeiffer 

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