Relationships is more than just the Dates

Relationships is more than just the Dates

Relationship is going through life’s roller coaster together crying and laughing. It is about being able to stay together even though miles apart. ~ Meg Cho 

When you truly love someone you can still see the persons imperfections but choosing to focus more on their positive points, the things that makes you love them. No one is perfect and we are only fooling ourselves if we try to tell ourselves or think that someone is perfect. ~ Laura Sibilia  

It’s about going throughout storms together, under the same umbrella; too bad not many people realize that. people believe that love is while they feel butterflies in their stomach, while everything is perfect, that isn’t love, that is being in love. True love and real relationships are much, much more and much deeper, but not many people are aware of that. ~ Sebastijan Jogan 

It is about seeing them as who they are and accept everything. Trust, communication and honesty. It’s about doing things together even though you do not like his/her idea. It’s about accepting their past and want to be their future. It is much more much more then just saying I love you or taking them out to eat. ~ Amanda Lafave

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