Real couples stay faithful

Real couples stay faithful

Once we are devoted, we must remain faithful and loyal.

The grass seems to look greener on the other side. However, the couple who is completely satisfied with each other loves the feeling of their own green grass. They are not easily tempted by the lust of another. ~ Giml Lpm 

When we are focusing on loving, we understand that faithful is an understanding and total acceptance of another and the nature of human beings. Always respect one another’s feelings and never knowingly hurt the other, but the nature of being human is imperfect and love is seeing beyond what offends and bruises our egos. When we truly love another we must stay faithful to ourselves first and look beyond their human weakness to the brilliance of their soul. This is what is meant by the wedding vow “For better or for worse”. ~ Elaine Ryan 

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  1. Elly

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