People who have fought the toughest battle

People who have fought the toughest battle

Never remember what hurt you, but don’t forget what it taught you.

Try to forgive what it is that hurt you and learn to love again. Life is too short to be unhappy all those years. You’ve done your time. Release the pain!

He who has come through the fire, will not fade in the sun. The groundwork of life is sorrow, suffering and pain. Having endured all the hurts that life throws our way and having established ourselves in the world, then can we start building on that and living our lives in earnest. Life is not without pain as without pain there is no life. We need to learn about suffering just as much as we need to discover what life’s all about. Without experiencing and enduring pain in all its varying degrees, life holds no meaning. Those with the strongest capacity for pain, struggled through the worst experiences and survived them all, are those who hide the enormity of their pain and the magnitude of their suffering behind their cheerful smiles and joyous laughter. The pleasure that is in sorrow is sweeter than the pleasure of pleasure itself. ~ Margaret Young 

My dad endured a lifetime of pain and unmitigated suffering and several life-threatening surgeries and was on life support to prolong a life which no longer held any meaning or quality. It was agony and torture to witness the extent and depth of his silent suffering. It was far kinder and humane to let him go, releasing him from all that he was forced to endure in the name of living. So he left us and we cried at our loss, but he left behind a long lasting testament of his sheer courage, immeasurable strength and unconditional love. Always to be remembered for his happy ‘smiles in the midst of his tears’. So we grieved yet was relieved that he is now in a far better place than this. On a higher plane where pain and suffering can never touch his tortured soul. So in that context there is joy mixed with pain that my dad has returned to where he belongs, safe in the warmth and comfort of our heavenly Father. God rest his soul! ~ Margaret Young 

No matter what kind of battle you’re struggling with, don’t forget to smile. God has His own plans for you. You might be hurt for some reasons but God will always be with you, guiding you and struggling with you.

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