People that are meant to be together

People that are meant to be together

They are called soul mates and when you are open and ready, your souls will find each other. If you believe that they are there somewhere, that is when you find them, you will know what it feels to have your soul unite with another or should I say re-unite. There is no feeling of completeness like it. ~ Leeanne Johnson 

We are not yet the person we need to be for a relationship with the right person to work. Life is a process and we must each grow into who we are meant to be. The key is to continue growing into the best you can be and to be grateful and happy just where you are. Finding each other took longer than either of us thought it would, but when we found each other we had each grown into the kind of people who could appreciate each other and have a wonderful relationship. We would not have worked together when we were younger. ~ Mary Fielder

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