People that are meant to be in your Life stay

People that are meant to be in your Life stay

Some people are meant to stay in your heart, but not in your life. If you are having a tough time letting go of someone who left you, realize that if they wanted to stay they would still be there. Sometimes you have to forget what’s gone, appreciate what still remains and look forward to what’s coming next. When you know that you need to let go, but you can’t because you are still hoping for the impossible to happen. It will hurt for a while, but you have to forget about the person who forgot about you, and move on. ~ Amanuel Misganu 

Never get too comfortable in life. Always be prepared for changes. 

People come and go but the memories you have had with them never apart so easily. You can’t erase that part you spent with their company. Life is not about people who came or gone but about the feelings, the pleasures you made. ~ Dina Ismail 

It’s hard letting go of the ones we love and accepting their choices to move on without you in their life. But it’s harder to hold on and agonize over their decisions. You have to let go in order to find peace. Perhaps on another day, things will be different but for this moment in time in honor of your precious life, acceptance is the only way to peace. ~ Dee Melio 

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