Pay attention to your dreams

Pay attention to your dreams

Dreams are a reflection of life. If you dream about someone, that someone truly misses you and they are meant to be in your life whether or not they want to admit it is a different story. ~ Charles Parker 

They could be the fruit of chemical activity in the brain as the body struggles to digest food consumed too close to bed time. ~ Bruce Campbell 

No coincidence is accident, it’s called coincidence because it’s a pattern of previous occurrences that matches other coincidences we can’t read dreams but we can understand these occurrences to slow down or speed up in life pursuits or life resolves it’s the way the creator allow us to reason what really important. Good or Bad. ~ Jerrij Bobelli 

It’s also another way God is communicating with us. In Feb 11,1996, sunday early in the morning my youngest come into my dreams, to tell me that he is going away for good and just want to stop by to say his good bye. I didn’t pay attention to that dream, I went to work but it keep me thinking about it. About 4:00 pm that the same day, I hear my oldest son saying, ” Mom, Dale’s gone”. That was the dream was all about he come into my dreams to say his final good bye. So ever since then I pay attention to my dreams. I wish I really pay more attention to that dream, till to this day that dream is always with me. ~ Marylou McHugh

I heard the best way to figure out what a dream may mean, is to pretend you are telling it to an alien. You need to explain to them what a door is or how planes fly in this way, you learn from your subconscious what things truly mean to you. Does that make sense?

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