No point in stressing over something you can’t change

No point in stressing over something you can't change

Sometimes, people are put in our lives to teach us. If it was meant to be, she will find her way back. In the meantime, cherish the good memories, learn from the not so good ones and move on. ~ Denise Hecht 

One can’t force a relationship. If someone does not want to be with you anymore move on. Leave them alone. How can one be happy with someone who does not share your feelings. One sometimes missed the opportunity to find that special someone by wasting time on an empty relationship. ~ Jimos Mtglgapma 

If you give them your whole heart after you have had it destroyed by someone else and they can’t give you there’s, they probably never will. ~ Kristin Jacobs 

Don’t waste your time and energy trying to change things beyond your control because you won’t have anything left to give when something comes along that you can change. ~ Randy Dorilag 

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