No one knows how much you’re hurting

No one knows how much you're hurting

One has to work at it. One does not wake up one morning and the grief is gone, or the heart is healed. Slowly sad thoughts need to be replaced or at least different thoughts. ~ Camille Willock 

People should check to see if you need help with anything or just need someone to listen throughout days, weeks, months and years. It would be nice to know people are still thinking about your loss and how your life has been affected in so many ways forever. ~ Patty Rushing 

Unsolicited advice comes from people that don’t have compassion or someone who doesn’t have a clue what it feels like to hurt. We know we need to move on but we have to do it at our own pace. We want someone to console us not tell us what we know in our mind is the best. Our heart needs time to accept it before we can move on. ~ Sharron Thomas 

Praying for all hearts to heal. God wants everyone to live life. You can care for and think about and love forever those whom are gone, some by their own choice. All By Gods Master Plan for our life to be filled up to the top. Grieving is never the same for anyone. It is ok to miss people we have shared a part of our life with. But never let it make you stop loving or living. ~ Steffani Marcoguiseppe 

So many people don’t understand that you go through different steps, denial, anger and finally acceptance. People who have never had a really, truly big hurt, however someday they will and they will fall apart. When I was hurting the most my friends turned their backs on me. It hurts very badly and I pray they never have to suffer the way I have. ~ Shirley Williams 

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