No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress

As long as you are trying, that is what counts.

Quitters never win and winners never quit. ~ Richard Keenan 

Just keep on trying and love what you are doing.

It’s better to have tried and fall than never to have tried at all. 

Everyone makes mistakes. We’re all human after all. Trying is about how we respond in a positive way. ~ Luis Rodriguez 

We must learn from our mistakes and not to repeat again. We need to learn both from our own life experiences and from others.

It’s better that you have tried & failed than never tried at all. Through this failure we learn how to do things better. Who knows in ur 2nd, 3rd or 4th try you going to hit your aim. ~ Sherwyn Palmes 

It gets very frustrating at times especially when you are challenged by mean spirited people that hate themselves and do not want you to move ahead in a good direction. I just silently wish them peace and move on from them as fast as I can. ~ Darlyne Linda

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