Never put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket

Never put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket

Happiness is an inside job. You are in charge of your own happiness.

You must be happy and in tune with yourself, before you share your life.

To give without expectations, is freedom.

Digging in someone else’s pocket to get it back looks really weird. ~ Mike Wells

We are solely responsible for the way we feel and act. Our happiness is our own and nobody else’s.

Even if you have fallen in love, still keep the key. You can make them happier if you are happy. ~ Mary Stewart 

You have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else.. I’ll give you that much. ~ Robert Appell 

When someone is in tune with God’s unconditional love and is at peace with her/himself, love and happiness follows because every little that happen to your has always meaning – the flowers that surround you or the smile of a stranger. Always be thankful to God. ~ Rose Fredericks 

I have a bad habit of expecting what I give out to be reciprocated, when it’s not I get disappointed. I’m learning to get over this. ~ Maria Demers 

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